Zuzi is a 2D platformer game. It is done for COMP-411 (Introduction to Game Programming) course. The codes of the game were written completely by me. Assets were created by my friends from the VCD department. The game supports 16/9 aspect ratio, and some parts of the screen may not be visible in different ratios.

! Make the game full screen for best gameplay experience.

**How to Play

Move the Zuzi with the WASD or direction keys. Objects with the "e" key on them can be interacted with by pressing the "e" key.


Game Failed Sound Effect -> https://www.freesoundslibrary.com/video-game-fail-sound/#google_vignette

Main Music -> https://pixabay.com/tr/music/sentez-dalgas-stay-retro-124958/

Other Sound Effects -> https://sfxr.me

Danger Asset -> <a href="<a href=" https:="" www.freepik.com="" free-vector="" various-danger-ribbon-sign-set_9650948.htm#query="warnin&position=0&from_view=search&track=location_fest_v1"">Image" class="redactor-linkify-object">https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/various-danger-ribbon-sign-set_9650948.htm#q...</a> by pch.vector on Freepik

Lava Ball Asset -> Image by Freepik


Windows 64 Build 51 MB

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